Mark Zuckerberg meets with African tech leaders on Nigerian tour source: techcrunch
Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg is in Nigeria. News of his unannounced trip broke Tuesday with social media photos of him visiting the Co-Creation Hub (Cchub) innovation center in Lagos. Zuckerberg then dropped in at Andela , a software developer accelerator, in which he and his wife’s foundation invested $24million earlier this year. It seems Zuckerberg travels a bit like the president, per CcHub CEO Bosun Tijani’s account. “Facebook told us a few weeks ago there would be a visit by the partnerships manager. Then they told us a few days ago it could be Mark, but it was all top secret until today,” he told TechCrunch. Zuckerberg met with coders in CcHub’s co-working space and then visited the incubation space, where he talked with reps from bookings startup and LifeBank App, a digital blood donor database. So what brings one of the world’s most recognized tech executives to Nigeria? “I’ll be meeting with developer...